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GLOBAL CONSULTING: International Fleet.



This service is targeted towards international fleet.



The centralization and control of information related to fleet at the international level is more important that ever.


The segmentation of data by various criteria and understanding fleet behavior provide qualitative data with which more accurate decisions can be made.


Using tools developed by QUANTYK and managed by our specialist technicians in Fleet Management we are able offer our Global Consulting service.


User access LEANCAR, a platform developed by QUANTYK, in order to import fleet data.


QUANTYK processes the data and provides a Fleet Dashboard, the frequency of which is defined by our client. The dashboard has the capacity to segment data by various criteria (Country, Region, Renting Operator, Manufacturer, etc)




QUANTYK Business Solutions - Jordi de Sant Jordi, 31 - Barcelona 08027 - Tel. 931 999 201 - - Legal

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