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QUANTYK designs processes and defines client service attitudes with the objective of creating long term relationships, by identifying, understanding and satisfying client needs.


We understand that to provide an excellent service we need in- depth knowledge of each of our clients, this allows us to adapt to each client by personalize the services we provide to each one. This also means we can interact more effectively and provide added value solutions. 






One single point of contact will deal with all your requirements and will interact with your current suppliers.


QUANTYK has put in place an organization to efficiently manage client accounts. Each account is managed by a team of the following:


  • Fleet Managment Specialist

  • Administration Department

  • Consulting Department


This team structure allows us to gain an in-depth understanding of your fleet and with emphasis placed in these key areas we are able to:


  • Maximise control

  • Reduce costs

  • Identify improvement opportunities






"QUANTYK will be with you from the beginning"


When a business implents the services offered by QUANTYK, it will receive guidence throughout the implementaion. We will also prepare the necesary communication to any areas within the client organisation that may be affected.


Should the client change it fleet management supplier, QUANTYK will commit to ensuring the implementation is sucessful.




QUANTYK Business Solutions - Jordi de Sant Jordi, 31 - Barcelona 08027 - Tel. 931 999 201 - - Legal

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